What is the National Honor Society for Dance Arts?
The National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHDSA) aims to foster an appreciation for dance and recognize outstanding artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement. NHSDA gives inductees various opportunities, such as: mentorship from the Chapter Sponsor, leadership/development opportunities, and scholarship opportunities.
Who can join NHSDA?
Dancers enrolled in classes at Destination Dance Hawaii and in grades 6-12 may be inducted into our Junior or Secondary NHSDA Chapters.
Junior Chapter
Dancers grades 6-8 (middle school)
Secondary Chapter
Dancers grades 9-12 (high school)
What awards can dancers receive from being inducted into NHSDA?
Being inducted into the Honor Society is a huge achievement in itself, and can be listed on resumes as a high honor. Upon induction, dancers will receive an Induction Certificate, and have the option to purchase gold honor pins and/or graduation cords for graduating seniors. Furthermore, dancers in the Junior and Secondary Chapters have the opportunity to apply for Graduation with Honors, an even higher achievement proving excellence and dedication in dance and NHSDA. Additionally, once dancers are in grades 11-12, they have the opportunity to apply for NHSDA’s Annual Artistic Merit, Leadership and Academic Achievement Award–the highest student dance award in the nation. Award recipients will receive a letter of congratulations, a certificate, and a mention on the NHSDA website. The overall national winner receives a $1000 scholarship, and three other finalists receive a $250 scholarship.
How does a dancer become inducted into NHSDA?
Before applying to join NHSDA, dancers must obtain points through dance-related activities at D2HI and/or outside of D2HI. The Junior Chapter requires 15 points, 10 of which should be earned while participating in dance activities at D2HI. The Secondary Chapter requires 30 points, 20 of which should be earned while participating in dance activities at D2HI. Dancers must also show demonstration of collaborative teamwork, motivation, and leadership. Lastly, dancers must also have a minimum GPA of 3.2.
Junior Chapter
15 points
Secondary Chapter
30 points
*If a dancer is inducted into the Junior Chapter, they must be inducted a second time into the Secondary Chapter.
*If a dancer is in grade 5 or 8 in the spring, they may start obtaining points to be inducted into the Junior and Secondary Chapters (respectively) in the fall.
What does the dancer have to do after being inducted?
After induction, dancers must remain active in their respective chapters and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.2. Otherwise, they are at risk of losing the opportunity to apply for further awards and may not get the privilege of wearing the NHSDA cord at graduation. To remain active, dancers in the Junior Chapter should obtain 10 points per semester and dancers in the Secondary Chapter should obtain 20 points per semester.In the event that a dancer fails to maintain the minimum GPA and/or does not obtain the required points by the end of a semester, they will be put on probation the following semester. By the end of the following semester, they must raise their GPA to 3.2 and/or obtain that semester's required points, on top of the points that they missed from the previous semester. If they fail to do so, they will lose the privilege of applying for NHSDA awards and wearing the NHSDA cord at graduation.
*It should be noted that once inducted, dancers have lifetime recognition and the NHSDA designation remains with the dancer’s record.
However, as stated above, if they fail to remain active they will lose the privileges that being in NHSDA provides.
What is the cost of joining NHSDA?
D2HI NHSDA Induction w/certificate $10.00
Gold Pin $10.50 (optional)
Graduation with Honors w/certificate $24.50
Honor Cord $19.50

How can dancers earn points?

Being a leader in LDLP
Taking dance classes
Helping admin around the studio
Writing research papers on dance history
Participating in recitals and mall shows
​Please fill out an interest form to be provided with more details and how many points are awarded for each activity.
Are vocalists and musicians eligible to join NHSDA?
​Unfortunately, vocalists and musicians are not eligible to join NHSDA. However, there may be another Honor Society for them coming soon!