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  1. Registration and Enrollment:

    • All families must pay a $35.00 (per student) annual registration fee..  

    • All students must complete the registration process, which includes providing accurate personal information and emergency contact details.

    • Enrollment in classes is subject to availability and is on a first-come, first-served basis.

    • Tuition fees, payment schedules, and any applicable discounts or promotions will be communicated during the registration process.

    • Upon enrollment, you are committing to the current month.  Thereafter, your enrollment will continue until you "drop" the class via the Parent Portal.  We highly recommend you drop either the last day (or class) of the month to avoid an accidental enroll in the subsequent month.  Once you receive your bill for the current month that is your indication you have committed to the month.

    • All parents are required ANNUALLY to sign Destination Dance Hawaii's waivers via the Parent Portal.

  2. ​​Attendance and Punctuality:

    • Students are expected to arrive on time for their scheduled classes. Late arrivals may disrupt the flow of the class and hinder the progress of other students.  For safety reasons, after 15 minutes, it is up to the teachers discretion to allow participation or entry to class.  Parents may use the "Check-In" feature of Parent Portal to indicate their student is coming to class.

      • ​For private lessons, arriving 15 minutes late is considered a no-show, and the full lesson fee will still be charged. The instructor may decide whether the remaining time can be used for the lesson.

    • Regular attendance is important for consistent progress. If a student cannot attend a class, they should notify the dance studio via the Parent Portal under [More -> Attendance -> Report Absence].

    • Excessive absences or consistent tardiness may affect a student's eligibility to participate in performances or scholarship programs.

    • Students with multiple absences, specifically in medical/illness, may require a doctor's note allowing you to return to class.

    • Studio Performance Opportunities are considered excused; however, the class will not be credited unless specifically mentioned prior to accepting the performance.   

    • Make-up classes are reserved primarily for petites and minis, or classes that have an equal alternate class which will be annotated by the class name followed by an (A), (B), (C), etc. 

    • Make-ups may only be made up if the parent places an excused absence via the Parent Portal.

    • Examples of excused absences include, but are not limited to:  Medical/Illness (Dr.'s note may be required), School Event, Verified Traffic, Bereavement.

    • Director of Operations or above may authorize other excused absences.

    • You have thirty (30) days to make-up any class from the absence date.

    • Make-ups are NOT guaranteed.​

  3. ​Trials​​:

    • Trials are FREE classes to give each student the opportunity to experience the class prior to enrolling.

    • Destination Dance Hawaii generally leaves a space for trials, however if the class is full, after your trial you may be placed on a Waitlist.

    • All students are entitled one free trial in each of our basic genres.  Trials do not count, even if scheduled, until the student steps in the classroom and the instructor takes roll.​

    • Trialling students should wear comfortable clean appropriate attire for their first class.   Clean sneakers may be required for certain classes., others wear socks, or barefoot.

  4. Drop-Ins:​

    • Drop-ins are FEE based classes that indicate you or your student do not want to commit to the month.​

    • Drop-ins have an additional fee and must be paid within thirty (30) days of attendance.  

    • Drop-ins are NOT a guaranteed space, and are based on enrollment availability.

    • Drop-ins are required to wear current uniform for class.

  5. Dress Code and Attire:

    • Students must adhere to the dress code specified by the dance studio for each class. This typically includes appropriate dance attire, such as leotards, tights, ballet shoes, and hair secured away from the face.

    • Our Uniform Catalog is available in-studio and on-line.

    • Trialing students are not required to purchase a uniform.  Upon enrolling, you have thirty (30) days to purchase and wear our required uniform.  

    • Safety is our paramount concern at Destination Dance Hawaii.  Please do not wear jewelry, or objects that could interfere with class, students, or yourself.  Check with your teacher if you have specific questions.

  6. Annual Recital:​

    • Recital participation is highly encouraged with Destination Dance Hawaii.

    • A non-refundable $50.00 (per student) registration fee is required to participate.

    • Annual recital for 2024-2025 is April 26 & 27, 2025 at Leeward Community Theatre.

  7. Advancement:​

    • Advancement by Age:  These are students who have grown out of a class due to their age.  Age advancement may not happen on the exact day and may be deferred to the new season.​

  8. Technical Advancement:  These are students that have excelled at a particular level in their performing art.  The instructor will recommend advancement to the Director of Dance and notify the parent and students.  Parents may opt out, with approval by the Director of Dance.  
    ​8.  Behavior and Conduct:

    • Students and Parents are expected to demonstrate respectful and courteous behavior towards instructors, staff, fellow students, and the dance studio property.

    • Destination Dance Hawaii disciplines students in their technical training and safety.  Any major behavioral problems will be deferred to the student(s) respective parent(s) for disposition. 

    • Disruptive behavior, bullying, or any form of harassment will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from the dance studio.

  9. Parent/Guardian Involvement:

    • Parents/guardians are encouraged to support and engage in their child's dance education.

    • Parents/guardians should respect the designated observation areas and refrain from entering dance studios or rehearsal spaces without permission.

  10. Safety and Liability:

    • The dance studio will take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of students and provide a safe dance environment.

    • Students who show signs of illness or sickness may be asked to leave.  Parents shall be notified.

    • All Destination Dance Hawaii staff members are qualified in CPR, First-Aid, and the use of the on-site AED.

    • Students and parents/guardians should report any safety concerns or injuries to the dance studio staff immediately.

    • The dance studio may not be held liable for any injuries, accidents, or loss of personal belongings that occur on its premises. as outlined in the waiver you signed in the Parent Portal.

    • Our food may contain allergenic ingredients, such as nuts, gluten, dairy, shellfish, eggs, soy, fish.  We have made an effort NOT to carry nuts in the studio,  and we highly recommend that you avoid bringing nut products in the studio.  

  11. Photography and Videography:

    • Photography and videography during classes, rehearsals, or performances may be prohibited or restricted. The dance studio will communicate its policies regarding capturing images and videos.

    • Parents who do not wish their student to be on our social media must notify admin.  Students should be encouraged to notify the instructor and step-out during the filming portion.

  12. ​Tuition and Payments:

    • Tuition fees, payment schedules, and accepted payment methods will be communicated during the registration process.

    • Destination Dance Hawaii provides the following important information for monthly tuition:

      • Parents who PAY their bill ONLINE via the Parent Portal on the 1st of every month will save 5% off their bill.  Must be online and must be by 11:59pm of 1st.   If you experience any issues, please contact the studio during regular business hours.  After 11:59pm on the 1st, Destination Dance Hawaii is not able to offer the 5% for the month.  It is considered "a loss", please try again the following month.  Destination Dance Hawaii will attempt to address all technical issues that we can.

      • Tuition is billed on the 1st of every month.​ (Tuition is prorated for classes not in session).

      • AutoPay is run on the 5th of every month for tuition only.​

        • Parents who would like their entire balance cleared can request to be on the Clear Balance Authorization list.​

      • Tuition is due by the 15th of each month.

    • Valid Active Duty/Retired/Disabled ID holders are entitled to a 10% discount on classes, and merchandise.  Some restrictions apply.  It is ultimately the service member's responsibility to show your ID to Admin.​

    • Late payment fees or penalties may be applied on the 16th of each month for overdue tuition payments.​​

    • Parent's accounts that fall more than one (1) payment behind will be contacted for disposition.

      • After two (2) months behind, students will be temporarily suspended until resolution of account.​

    • Refunds or credits for missed classes are subject to the dance studio's policy and may vary.

    • We do not offer refunds for closures due to acts of God, including inclement weather, natural disasters, power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.

    • Parent are responsible to ensure accuracy of their bill and should immediately report discrepancies to

    • All non-sufficient fees (NSF) will result in a $25.00 fee, plus any fees the studio incurs.

  13. Studio​

    • Please ensure you police your garbage and place it in the proper receptacle.​

    • LOST & FOUND:  Please note that unclaimed items will be held in our Lost and Found department for a period of 30 days from the date of discovery. After this period, any unclaimed items will be responsibly disposed of or donated to charity.

    • Parents may park in the CUSTOMER ONLY stalls in any of the Harbor Center Parking Lots.

    • Parents/Students should report immediately to Admin of any suspicious behavior in or around the studio.

  14. Communication:

    • The dance studio will provide regular communication to students and parents/guardians regarding schedules, updates, events, and any important information via email, text, phone call, or the Parent Portal.

      • All "official" Destination Dance Hawaii emails will be also sent to your portal.  To access, login to the Parent Portal -> More -> News & Notes -> Select Email History.​

      • Ensure is not on your SPAM list.

    • Students and parents/guardians should maintain open lines of communication with the dance studio and inform them of any changes in contact information.​

    • Important Contact Information:

  15. Policies and Guidelines:

    • Students and parents/guardians must review and abide by all dance studio policies, guidelines, and procedures outlined in official documents, such as handbooks, websites, or online portals.

    • At Destination Dance Hawaii, LLC, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. We firmly believe in promoting a fair and transparent environment for our students, staff, and stakeholders. Therefore, we have established this policy to prohibit accepting monetary compensation, bribes, cash, gifts, or any other undue influence that may compromise our integrity and commitment to excellence.

      • Non-monetary gifts, such as tokens of appreciation or small presents (within reason), may be accepted with discretion and must be reported to management. Gifts of significant value or those that may compromise the studio’s integrity will be declined.


Memorial Day

Independence Day

Veterans Day



November 28 – December 1


Christmas/New Year

December 21 - January 3


98-019 Kamehameha Hwy

Aiea Hawaii 96701

Above Goodwill (2nd Floor, Suite 210)

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